Home Bodybuilding News Weight Training Routines With Compound Exercises

Weight Training Routines With Compound Exercises


Category:HealthRelease time:2012-09-03Views:130

Compound weightlifting exercises are designed to work multiple muscle groups at the same time. Some are even designed to work the full body at once. Lifting heavy weights in compound exercises not only builds strength, but also increases muscle mass,

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Working out with dumbbells has advantages over other forms of weight training. Dumbbells take up much less room than the larger free-weight bars and equipment and the ability to target specific muscle groups is much easier. Dumbbells activate small s

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Weight Training Routines With Compound Exercises

    Compound weightlifting exercises are designed to work multiple muscle groups at the same time. Some are even designed to work the full body at once. Lifting heavy weights in compound exercises not only builds strength, but also increases muscle mass,

    Compound weightlifting exercises are designed to work multiple muscle groups at the same time. Some are even designed to work the full body at once. Lifting heavy weights in compound exercises not only builds strength, but also increases muscle mass, which increases metabolism faster than exercises that only work one muscle group. If your main goal is to build muscle, compound exercises are the way to go. Below are some of the most common compound exercises for building strength and muscle mass.

    Dumbbell Squat

    Squats shape and tone the quads, calves, hamstrings, lower back and gluteal muscles. 1. Hold one dumbbell in each hand, palms facing inward at the sides of your legs, and stand up straight with your feet shoulder width apart. 2. Bend your knees right over your toes, keeping your torso straight and your arms down. Keep your head up and continue down until your thighs are parallel with the floor. 3. Exhale as you straighten your knees, keeping your upper body in alignment until you are standing back in your original position. 4. Repeat for three sets of 10 repetitions each. As your strength increases, increase the number of sets you do.

    Deadlift (Stiff-Legged Deadlift)

    The deadlift can be done with a barbell or with dumbbells. The deadlift works the hamstrings, gluteals, and lower back. Use as much weight as you can. 1. Stand up straight with your legs shoulder-width apart and your knees slightly bent over your toes. Hold the weights or barbell with your arms down and your palms facing towards you at the front of your body. 2. Without moving the knees, exhale and bend forward at the hips until you feel a stretch in your hamstrings. Your arms should be hanging down and your chest should be pointing towards the floor. 3. Inhale, bringing your upper body up to standing again. Squeeze your gluteals and hamstrings but make sure not to move your knees. 4. Repeat for three sets of 10 reps each. As your strength increases, increase the number of sets you do.

    Dumbbell Lunges

    Lunges are another compound exercise for your legs. They mainly work the quadriceps, but also work the calves, hamstrings and gluteals. Use heavier weights for large muscle groups like the quadriceps than you use for exercises that focus more on your arms. 1. Stand up straight, holding the dumbbells at your sides with your palms facing inward. 2. Step one foot about two feet in front of the other and bend the knees, keeping your torso straight up, until your front thigh is parallel to the floor. 3. Exhale and push through the heel of the front foot until both knees are straight, keeping the upper body in line the whole time. Repeat for a set of 10 reps. 4. Switch legs and repeat. As your strength increases, increase the number of sets or the weight of the dumbbells.

    Overhead Press/Arnold Press

    Both of these presses use dumbbells and work the shoulders and triceps. The overhead press is very basic, and the Arnold press (named after California Governor Arnold Schwarzenegger), is a more advanced variation. Depending on the weight you use, these can be done either standing or sitting. If you are using heavy weights, use a bench with a back support. Basic Overhead Press 1. Standing or sitting, hold one dumbbell in each hand and raise them to shoulder height, making sure the palms of your hands face forwards. 2. Exhale and press the dumbbells up over your head until they touch at the top. Hold this position for a second. 3. Inhale and bring the weights back down to the starting position. 4. Repeat for three sets of 10 reps. Arnold Press 1. Standing or sitting, hold the two dumbbells in front of you at chest level, your palms facing your body (this position should look like the top of a bicep curl). 2. Exhale to raise the dumbbells, rotating your wrists until the palms of the hands face forward and your elbows are fully extended. Hold this position for a second. 3. Inhale and lower the dumbbells back to their original starting position. 4. Repeat for three sets of 10 reps. As your strength increases, increase the number of sets you do. If you are a beginner, start with the basic overhead press and then move on to the Arnold press once you build some strength.


    Dumbbell rows are an excellent compound exercise that work your back, biceps, laterals and shoulders. To increase muscle, use heavy weights. This exercise requires the use of a bench. 1. Holding one dumbbell in your left hand with your arm down and your palm facing your torso, place your right knee on the back end of the bench, and your right arm at the front. You should be leaning forward so your chest is parallel to the bench with your lower back straight, and your left arm is hanging with the weight slightly below the bench. 2. Exhale and pull the dumbbell straight up towards your chest, so that it is in line with your body. Make sure to keep your torso stationary. 3. Inhale and lower the weight back down to its starting position. 4. Repeat for a set of 10 reps. 5. Switch sides, reversing your entire stance, and repeat with the right arm. As you build strength, increase the number of sets or use heavier dumbbells.


    A dip is like a squat for the upper body. It mainly works the triceps, but also emphasises the chest and shoulders. There are several variations for dips; depending on your strength level and the equipment available to you, one variation may be easier than another. 1. Sitting on a bench, place your hands on either side of your hips. 2. Step your body out so that your arms are behind you with your fingers facing forwards (Variation: if you want some extra work, place a chair in front of you and put your legs up on the chair so that they are parallel to the floor). 3. Lower your body by bending your elbows to a 90 degree angle (or smaller). 4. Exhale and push up so that your elbows are straight. Try to keep this all as one fluid movement. 5. Repeat in sets of 10. EASIER VARIATION 1. Sit on the floor with your arms behind you slightly at shoulder width, fingers pointing towards your feet. 2. With your feet hip width apart and flat on the floor, push your hips up so that your knees are bent at a 90 degree angle. 3. Bend your elbows to lower your body, keeping your hips pushed up. 4. Exhale and straighten your arms. 5. Repeat in sets of 10 reps. As your strength increases, you can increase the number of sets or try a more difficult variation.


    Chin-ups are a great strength-building workout for the entire upper body, because they use the entire body weight as resistance. You will need a bar for this exercise, which works the lats, biceps, forearms, and middle back. If you’re a beginner, do as many as you can each time. 1. Grip the bar with your palms facing you, slightly closer together than shoulder width apart. 2. Keep your torso as steady as possible. 3. Exhale and pull your body up until your chin just reaches the bar, keeping the elbows in close to your body and the torso steady. Hold the contracted position for a second. 4. Inhale and slowly lower yourself back into your starting position without losing control of the muscles. Do not let your feet touch the ground between repetitions. 5. Repeat for several sets of 10 reps. As you gain strength, increase the number of sets or add weight to your body using ankle weights or a weight belt.

    This content was originally published here.


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