Sunday, January 12, 2025
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From serious fat loss to an increased metabolism, celebrity PT and former Olympian Sarah Lindsay of Roar Fitness, explains why weight training is just. so. important  Weight training can be intimidating. From the sights of bulky, defined athletes doing 100 reps with...
Everyone enjoys a good bromance. However, what everyone enjoys, even more, is a good bromance with between the biggest, hugest scariest mothafakaz on the planet. Such as it is the case between the 2017 World’s Strongest Man winner and “biggest-weight-ever-lifted-by-a-human-being”...
Weight Training: How Many Reps (and Sets) to Do ...
Cardio burns more calories than weight training, so you should do more cardio to lose weight, right?  It’s true that unless you’re doing low-intensity cardio, you burn more calories doing during a cardio workout than you do lifting. How...
How to use Old-School Bodybuilding Diets to beat your genetic limitations. Guest blog post by Alex Eriksson.If you’ve been hard at work at the gym, without any clear results for some time, it might be time to examine how...
How many days a week should you train to pack on muscle mass? What’s the best training split for making gains? The real answer is there’s is no ‘right answer’ and there is no ‘best training split.’ Rather, I’m going...
Credit: CC0 Public Domain While research shows little or no link between exercise and any meaningful long-term weight loss, that doesn’t mean exercising, particularly resistance training, doesn’t provide...
Linda Leightley Is The Owner Of 12 World Records And A Real Example That It Is Never Late To Start!Are you sick and tired of not getting results? Do you believe you should give up weightlifting? You think you...
The word "negative" often implies pessimism and gloom. In the gym, however, performing "negatives" or eccentric reps yields positive sports performance-enhancing, muscle-building and injury-preventive results! Mark Coberley, Iowa State University's Associate Athletic Director for Sports Medicine, told Athletic Business...
You hear a lot about inflammation, the damage it causes, and its relationship to disease. Inflammation is an overreaction of the immune system. Rather than just attacking foreign invaders, as it should, the immune system damages normal tissue. This...
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