Home Bodybuilding News Roelly Winklaar Looks Absolutely Huge In Off-Season Training Session – Fitness Volt...

Roelly Winklaar Looks Absolutely Huge In Off-Season Training Session – Fitness Volt Bodybuilding & Fitness News


There are few people who deserve an Olympia title and there’s no debate Roelly Winklaar is one those people.

Wow!!… That’s what anyone would say (Or think) when looking at Roelly Winklaar in his current off-season shape. He placed third in 2018 at the Mr. Olympia contest and many people argued he looked good enough to take the title.

There’s no doubt he has one of the most impressive physiques we’ve ever seen and the fact he can get even better is scary.

Recently, Winklaar posted an Instagram video of him doing side lateral raises, and the amount of muscle he appears to be carrying is mind-blowing.

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His traps and back muscles have an apparent v-taper which is highly sought after in bodybuilding, and his triceps needs no introduction (Arguably the best in the sport). Oh… and his shoulders, of course, look like boulders!

Roelly Winklaar has worked hard throughout the years to climb the ranks, and many would probably never believe he’d look better than Phil Heath (To many fans he did).

2019 will be the ultimate test for Roelly Winklaar and many are anxious to see him at the Olympia next year. Although he looks incredible and can come in looking as good as anyone, he still has to go up against Shawn Rhoden (Current Mr. Olympia champion) and Phil Heath.

Not to mention William Bonac and Brandon Curry look better every year… so Roelly Winklaar will have his hands full no doubt. If he even comes in a little bit better than last year, we’d be seeing near perfection but we know in the sport of bodybuilding, you can never assume anything!

We’re all hopeful Roelly Winklaar can one day claim the title of Mr. Olympia because he has everything required to become a champion.

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This content was originally published here.


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