Home Bodybuilding News At Age 71, Arnold Schwarzenegger Explains His Current Training Methods – Generation...

At Age 71, Arnold Schwarzenegger Explains His Current Training Methods – Generation Iron Fitness & Bodybuilding Network


For everything there’s a season.

When we’re young we can push through anything, mustering up the strength and resolve to break our bodies down in order to make them stronger. But it can’t last forever and as such we only have so long before we have to dial things down in order to avoid serious injuries. It’s something that the consensus greatest of all time Arnold Schwarzenegger has come to understand well.

A true legend of bodybuilding who continues to be a major inspiration to modern day competitors, Arnold Schwarzenegger has become a fitness icon over the years. His consistent hard training helped him to cultivate a truly impressive physique, one unrivaled at the height of his power.

But now at the age of 71, Arnold Schwarzenegger can no longer push himself as hard as he did in his youth. Now he must exercise in a manner that will allow him to avoid injuries while still maintaining muscle and strength.

In an interview with Men’s Health, Arnold Schwarzenegger goes into detail on how he must train these days in order to stay in shape and avoid injuries.

MH: Fitness goals change over time. How have your fitness goals changed?

ARNOLD: Squatting and all those kind of like heavy leg exercises, I can’t do anymore. My knees are shot. I have to protect my knees because I want to go skiing. I do mostly bicycling, so that’s why I want to bicycle all over the world. When I travel, I get around in the bicycle. When I go shopping or something, I go on the bicycle, because then you can exercise in the legs and you see the town in a totally different way.

MH: How do you train these days?

ARNOLD: The machines that you have today, I wish that I could have used them in addition to what I did, because they’re really amazing (what has happened with the gym equipment business). A guy like myself who had shoulder surgery, hip surgery, knee surgery—they can always find an exercise around the injury that I could do. So I cannot do dumbbell lateral raises anymore, but I can go and find the machine that does exactly the same thing and I have no pain.

What do you think of Arnold Schwarzenegger and his new methods of training?

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Managing Editor at Generation Iron, Jonathan Salmon is a writer, martial arts instructor, and geek culture enthusiast. Check out his InstagramTwitter and Facebook to keep up with his antics.

This content was originally published here.


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