Home Bodybuilding News Heavy Grippers Christmas Sale! — Lee Hayward’s Total Fitness Bodybuilding Tips

Heavy Grippers Christmas Sale! — Lee Hayward’s Total Fitness Bodybuilding Tips


Are you looking for the perfect gift for the Fitness Enthusiast on your list…

How about getting them a set of Heavy Duty hand grippers?

The Heavy Grips Hand Gripper series was developed for fitness enthusiasts and athletes who want to take the training of their grip strength to the next level.

Whether you’re just looking for a single Heavy Gripper as stocking stuffer – OR – getting the entire set of 6 Heavy Grippers as big package gift for under the tree… They make the perfect gift!

The Heavy Grips come in 100, 150, 200, 250, 300, and 350 pound strength grippers.
They allow you to train with Progressive Overload and Build Strong Crushing Grip Strength!

Order 1 Heavy Grips Gripper: $19.95 Now Only $15

Click Here To Order

Order Any 3 Heavy Grips Grippers: $59.85 Now Only $39
3 Heavy Grips Hand Grippers
Click Here To Order

Order ALL 6 Heavy Grips Grippers: $119.70 Now Only $59
All 6 Heavy Grips Hand Grippers
Click Here To Order

Heavy Grips are ideal for anyone who lifts weights and needs a strong grip such as:

From now until December 13, 2018 you can order the Heavy Grips Hand Grippers at this Special Low Price & get them in time for Christmas!
Note: the order by Dec. 13 and get them in time for Christmas applies to USA orders only.
International orders usually take longer to arrive due to customs so we can’t guarantee delivery by Christmas day.

HG 100 “Beginner” – At the first squeeze, the HG100 may not seem to be much tougher than a store-bought plastic hand-gripper, but it’s smooth action and aggressive knurled grip can be deceiving. The “Beginner” is perfect for consumers beginning their ‘grip training’ as well as younger athletes, female athletes, athletes with small hands and warm-ups for stronger athletes.

HG 150 “Intermediate” – Consumers that have a fairly strong grip can usually squeeze out a few reps with the HG150, but it can be difficult for females and younger athletes although those athletes can easily work up to the HG150 in a short time with consistent training. Most athletes with consistent HG training will find that the HG150 only provides resistance for 3 to 15 reps for 2 to 6 weeks and they are ready to step up to the HG200 or beyond because the hand responds so well to resistance training with low repetitions.

HG 200 “Advanced” – The HG200 is the level that even athletes with a naturally strong grip may have trouble closing. Athletes with advanced grip training will not have too much trouble with the HG200, but those with no grip training experience will most likely find it very difficult to close the HG200 at the beginning of their training. When you are closing the HG200 for reps, your performance for any sport using your hands will be greatly enhanced.

HG 250 “Professional” – When you are closing the HG250 for reps, you will have to be very careful when shaking people’s hand! If you can close the HG250 once, your hand strength is well beyond the average athlete. Usually only athletes with a hardcore grip training regimen and people who do heavy work with their hands can close the HG250 on their first attempt. Just because you have lifted weights for a few years, don’t assume that you will be able to close a HG250. It’s much harder than it looks!

HG 300 “The Gripper King” – Although there are well over 50,000 HG300’s on the market, we estimate that there are less than 1000 athletes world-wide that can do reps with this hand grip although most male athletes (and there have been a couple of women) with an average-sized hand can build up their hand-strength to close a HG300 for at least one rep if they train regularly with the Heavy Grips. The key to closing the HG300 is consistency with your hand-strength training and avoiding over-training (Don’t train with your HG’s more than twice per week or when your hand is still sore from your last workout)

HG350 “The Grip Monster” – The newest addition to the Heavy Grip line-up! The HG 350 came at the request of some very strong athletes who complained that the HG300 was not “tough enough!” Although there have been some very strong athletes doing reps with the HG300, we haven’t had anyone tell us that the HG350 was too easy! If you can close the HG350, your hand strength is definitely ‘world-class’.

This content was originally published here.


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